Rails Change Database
How to Change Rails Database If you’re like me, you probably always forget what the command is to change databases in your Ruby on Rails

WSL Localhost Docker Apps with Ruby on Rails and Vite
WSL Localhost Docker in Browsers can be Hard Docker applications in Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) need to be bound to the IP address

HTTPS Certificates for LocalHost with Ruby on Rails 7
HTTPS with LocalHost is a Pain! In an era where security is paramount, the use of HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) over HTTP is becoming

Add Categories To Your Ruby on Rails 7 Application!
Add Categories To Your Rails 7 Applications! Adding categories is something that I covered in the past, back in the Rails 5 days. Since then

I Git It! How To Install and Use Git On Windows 11
Learn how to both install Git on Windows 11 and use it in this quick blog post aimed at teaching beginners the Git Essentials for Developers.

Search And Sort Associations With The Rails Ransack Gem
Quickly learn to search and sort associations with part 2 of this easy Rails Ransack Gem tutorial series with both text and video versions!

Search And Sort In Ruby On Rails 6 With The Ransack Gem
Search and Sort With The Ransack Gem This last week I spent some time learning .Net 3.1, as well as .Net 5. I had some

Iterate Fast – How You Can Have Fewer Bugs By Using Rspec TDD In Ruby On Rails 6 | 20in20 – Week 14
Iterate fast with TDD and Rspec – Test Driven Development in Ruby on Rails 6 helps reduce bugs | Week 14 of Deanin’s 20 in 20 challenge!

Fast Code Snippets And Syntax Highlighting In Rails 6 With Highlight.js | Week 13 – 20in20
Create code snippets with smooth syntax highlighting in Ruby on Rails 6 using Highlight.js in this 20in20 challenge. Add tags & languages too!

Quick GraphQL Tutorial For Beginners! Get Started Fast With GraphQL And Rails 6 | Week 12 – 20in20
GraphQL – What Is It? I had barely been exposed to GraphQL when I was first asked to cover it over on the Deanin YouTube
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