Hi, I'm Deanin
You might know me as Deanin from YouTube. If not, then you might know me as Dean DeHart. But hey, maybe you don’t know me at all, and that’s okay too! I teach Ruby on Rails, Software Engineering and Software Development, Business, and other programming languages on my YouTube channel. I’ve embedded my YouTube feed on this page, to make it easy to see what my content is like!
Looking for my blog? You can find some of the recent blog posts down below, or you can click here to view my blog directly. Although a lot of my writing can be pretty technical, I always try to make it accessible.
For business inquiries please contact dehartdean@gmail.com. My web-safe resume is available here (PDF).
The Fullstack Linktree Clone Course
Learn by doing with this fullstack Linktree clone course. With almost two hours of free content, this $9.99 course is an excellent place to start your Ruby on Rails 7 fullstack development journey.
While the free version covers the basics of creating a fullstack Linktree clone, such as user accounts, profile images, and usernames, the premium course covers the more difficult to approach topics such as:
Improving User Experience
Tracking Daily Views & Click Analytics
- Graphing Multiple Datasets In Responsive Combination Charts

Rails Change Database
How to Change Rails Database If you’re like me, you probably always forget what the command is to change databases in your Ruby on Rails

WSL Localhost Docker Apps with Ruby on Rails and Vite
WSL Localhost Docker in Browsers can be Hard Docker applications in Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) need to be bound to the IP address

HTTPS Certificates for LocalHost with Ruby on Rails 7
HTTPS with LocalHost is a Pain! In an era where security is paramount, the use of HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) over HTTP is becoming

Add Categories To Your Ruby on Rails 7 Application!
Add Categories To Your Rails 7 Applications! Adding categories is something that I covered in the past, back in the Rails 5 days. Since then